I’m the Tamamamma

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Evil Funk

DD#2 is still doing great with potty training--yay! She had a couple of accidents today because she hasn't gotten used to the fact that sometimes she needs to go even if she doesn't want to. But, she is totally offended at the idea of wearing a diaper, so that's great. We have to explain to her at night that it's ok for her to wear one while she's sleeping and that she can put the panties back on in the morning.

I can't report on the Sunbeam experience though because she had to stay home. Yesterday I was spending some relaxing time playing on the computer when she came down all sad and whiney. She said her throat hurt. She started to cough and proceeded to barf, hitting my computer desk, chair, and the floor underneath. Yuck! I cleaned it all up but can't get rid of the awful smell! I'm happy to say that it didn't happen again. She is perfectly fine today, but I didn't dare take the chance of her going to church and getting sick again or spreading the germs. DH and I tag-teamed it for church. I went to sacrament, he taught the second hour, and I taught the third. Good thing the church is really close! And my lesson went so well. Yay!


Kari said...

Oh No good! I hate barfing...and barfing kids! :( Hope she is feeling better!! I'm glad your lesson went good!

Anonymous said...

Love the barfing!! YUCK!!! Glad she id feeling better!
