I’m the Tamamamma

Friday, January 18, 2008

Date Night

We had a great date tonight courtesy of Kyle's work. It was his work's late Christmas party (they have an employee one in December and another in January that the spouses/dates go to). It was at The Roof restaurant in Salt Lake City. It's a fancy shmancy buffet on the top floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. I should have taken my camera. The sun was settting as we started dinner. Last year it was snowing a bit too. The food actually reminded me a bit of the food we had at Goofy's Kitchen when we were at Disneyland in March. It had super good food too, but it was very expensive. I would go there again though. The kids had a blast and the good food was a nice break to the usual vacation food. No kids tonight! Thanks, Kari, for having them over! I would say my favorite part tonight was the creme brulee. YUM! It just melts in your mouth. I went online and found this picture so you could get the idea of what the view was like.


Kari said...

my parents took me to the roof for my 18th birthday, they tricked me and told me they were taking me to some steakhouse downtown by my dads work. We just happened to be driving by the JSMB and they decided to stop real quick so we could go to the top and take my picture w/ the temple view. They sure tricked me, it was a lot of fun! Glad you had a good time! And not that I thought your kids would be hard, but they were way easy! And my girls loved having them here!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about your date night! How nice! I've been on the top 3 or 4 times, the first time when Dad and I came in to visit you at Thanksgiving when you were still at BYU. I've never been there at night. The view is beautiful. I think you and Kyle may have been in the more expensive dining room. I checked our Dannie's blog. Her work is beautiful and it looks like she is developing quite a business. Thanks for encouraging me to take a look.

Anonymous said...

This is where Nathan took me to dinner the night he proposed!! I love that place.


Anonymous said...

It was so great to hear from you. I miss you alot and it seems like it is worse when we talk. I hope that we will be able to talk more now online. I will send you some pics through email tonight.

Anonymous said...

Really nice. Glad you were able to go and enjoy it.

Kari said...

here, i'll make is 6 for ya! :)

Kari said...

here's #7, you can write about chikfila - and their "5th" birthday (although everyone I have asks says they know it has been longer too) and our fun lunch yesterday! ;)