I’m the Tamamamma

Friday, January 4, 2008

My baby is using the potty!

People are used to me blogging more. I guess I'm just worn out after all of the Holiday festivities! My husband had Tuesday off so we went to eat at Chili's and to see "I am Legend". Although the movie entertained me, it was a one-timer for sure. The CGI zombies were just too far fetched for me to buy into. I think I even laughed a couple of times when I was supposed to be scared. Even so, it was nice to have a date with my hubby.
Yes, my baby is finally using the potty. She's taking alot of the initiative (once we got her started) so I think this might be successful! Yay! What a major milestone in a mother's life. She gets Skittles whenever she goes, and we also have a chart that we mark each time. When she fills it we will take her to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate. This is day three and she has done so well. I'm going to take her to pick out her own panties as a reward tomorrow. She's been wearing her sister's. I think she'll probably finish up the chart next week sometime.
I realized something last night that filled me with a bit of dread for Sunday (besides the fact that I'm teaching the lesson in Relief Society). I realized that my baby is 3 and it's January. That means that she won't go to nursery anymore. She'll be a Sunbeam and go to class with the big kids. Holy cow! She seems so little to me because there's no one littler in our family to compare her to. The reason I'm worried is because she loves nursery, so I think she's going to be ticked off to not be playing with toys anymore after Sacrament Meeting. Hopefully the novelty will excite her and the idea of going to Primary with her big sister. We'll see! I'll be sure to give a full report this weekend!


Kari said...

that picture is so old....she has grown up so much!! I can't believe jyjy and kiki will both be sunbeams! Crazy! They split our primary last year...the sunbeams had their own primary in the RS room...this year those sunbeams, now ctr5's will be in the RS room with the sunbeams, so the younger kids will be together. It's kinda funny...Jeni was the youngest in the primary as a sunbeam, then when she was a ctr5 she was the youngest class when they moved the sunbeams out, and this year as a ctr 6 she will be the youngest class again because the 5's are in the other room with the sunbeams. Kinda funny, if you followed all that ! I also think they started bringing toys in for alittle play time the sunbeams classes so it wasn't as big of a change!

Anonymous said...

yea for haidyn. i amteaching on sun too Can u believe they will be sunbeams it is so weird

ps iwrote this comment from my phone sorry for the bad punctuation