I’m the Tamamamma

Friday, December 7, 2007

Not much to tell

There's not much to tell about today, but it's been a couple of days since I posted. Today the kids sang in a Christmas program at their school. Sorry, no good pictures for you. I caught a glimpse of both of them, but taking a picture was impossible with my three year old at my side and a bunch of tall people sitting in front of me. However, they were cute and did a great job. I got to bring them home right afterwards. We went to Fazoli's with Kyle to have lunch together and then we just hung around the house. I got some presents wrapped and under the tree. That was fun. While I was doing the wrapping I put the movie "Coming Home" in to watch. I posted about this a bit ago. It's a movie version of a book I really enjoyed. Needless to say, the movie sucks. There's hardly any character development and they change the story in alot of ways that don't make sense. Oh, well. At least I got it on Ebay and not Amazon! Have a great weekend everybody!

P.S. If anyone besides my great friends Christina or Kari stop by, leave a comment--it would make my day! (Christina and Kari, yours already do!)


Anonymous said...

I am glad my comments count. =) I thought the program today was pretty cute. It was much better than programs we have had before.


Cassie Gardner said...

So I've been meaning to leave a comment on your blog the last couple of times I've stopped by. I loved the ornaments that you made! They turned out soo cute! I can't wait to see you when we come out for Christmas so you can fill me in on all your great ideas and on the whole digital scrapbooking thing...I think that I want to try it!