I’m the Tamamamma

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lagoon Day

DH's work paid to take all of the families to Lagoon on Wednesday. Lagoon is an amusement park about 45 minutes from here. The kids were totally excited. We stuck with the kiddie rides all day--except for the time we spent in the little pool at Lagoona Beach. I think this one was the girls' favorite--the Firefly.
We totally expected DD#2 to scream like crazy when the ride got started--but she just said "Yay! This is fun!". They also enjoyed the little cars.
The girls shared a bumper car and it was hilarious to watch! They kept getting stuck or going around in circles. Our camera battery was on it's last leg, so this was the best picture we were able to get.
We were there for almost 8 hours. It was fun, but we were all exhausted! This picture was taken about 10 minutes after we left the park.

We also got our fish tank up and running again. Needless to say, Mr. Whiskers has a new hobby:

If you're still sticking with reading this, there's one more story I want to get down so that we don't forget it. We just had an El Pollo Loco open nearby, so we decided to go try it out. They're having a grand opening right now, so as we walked in they gave each of the kids a balloon--an uninflated balloon. DH and I both have a thing against balloons because our kids like to blow them up and let the air out over and over. They end up being all slimy and gross and just totally and completely disgusting. Well, DD#1 blew hers up while we were waiting in line, and then she LET GO! It went flying through the air, into the kitchen, and right onto a bunch of chicken cooking on the grill. I just about died it was so funny (and embarrassing)! The cook just laughed and threw it away. Memories, memories!


Anonymous said...

We have our first trip EVER to Lagoon planned for just before school starts. I know sad that we have never been there.

Great photos. love the one of Haidyn sleeping.

Hilarious about El Pollo Loco. Glad they had a sense of humor about it. I hate uninflated ballons too. Tye just get nasty and slimy. EEWWW!!

WillandTara said...

Love the Blog! It is so cute and just so you. So happy a pulled it up. It cheered me up! Love the El Pollo Loco story