I’m the Tamamamma

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday DD#2--and Lots of Other Stuff!

Happy Birthday to my baby!
First, I've got to show you this picture of what I saw when I opened the pantry on Sunday. I had to do a double-take!Doesn't that look weird? It is a cat's head from a Shrek glass on top of a Mickey head from a sippy cup. Such little things amuse me!

I can't believe my baby is 4! Only one more year and she'll go to school. One thing I really appreciate about life with my youngest is that I have always been more aware of how quickly things pass and that I need to cherish every stage and accomplishment. I think sending her off to kindergarten will be a hard thing--closing a chapter in my life. Good thing I still have this year with her. It will be a special time because it will be just the two of us during the day.

I think she had a really good birthday. Here are some pictures from her day:

She loves the Little Mermaid (which has also always been my favorite) so she got a Little Mermaid doll and costume. She also got Hide and Seek Blue and Sprinkles, some new jammies (in the picture with the cupcakes) and a Color Wonder activity kit. It was fun seeing her excitement. She is great--we sure love her!!!

She likes playing games on the computer these days so I got her some new educational software (Dora, Freddy Fish, Putt-Putt). There's a wesite that sells super cheap software and the shipping is free. I've used them a few times and they are quick and the only downside is that you don't get a jewel case with them. They just come in a cardboard sleeve. If you'd like to check it out, click here.

Harrison got mad at her yesterday and said "Ugh! You're so USEFUL!" It was so funny. I'm sure he thinks that word means something else.

I've been working on the kids' rooms--having fun decorating them and making them look nice. Here's what I've done with the girls' rooms (they're pretty much the same). I got a bunch of butterflies and dragonflies and hung them with fishing line (I plan on painting the little white plastic things on the ceiling with paint that matches the ceiling).

These bottles and flowers have been up for a long time, but I hung the little bee there:
And lastly, I decided that a valance would really make the room look nicer. So, I found this fabric at WalMart and made these (the ribbon was just ironed on using fusing tape--super simple). The fabric has a butterly print and some sparkle to it. It's amazing what a difference it makes in her room.
I'm hoping to work on DS's room tonight--we got some glow-in-the-dark stars to hang from the ceiling.


Cassie Gardner said...

Happy Birthday little cutie! I can't believe that she is 4! WOW! She is so cute...we miss living close to you guys. I love all the projects that you've been working on. The girls' rooms look great! We miss y'all!
p.s. Your blog looks cute! I need you to teach me how to do that!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little Haidyn!! I cannot believe she is 4!! That means Tiffany is not far behind -- where did the time go?

I love the cup thing -- it amuses me too :)

Matt and Shari Bailey said...

Hey Tamara! I love the butterfly idea in the room. I have some as well but they arent hanging from the ceiling... instead they are resting on the walls! Looks like a fun birthday!

Anonymous said...

You're youngest is an absolute Tamara clone!!! Gorgeous!! Happy birthday to her and her Daddy!!