I’m the Tamamamma

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

I have had enough winter to last me for quite a while. It seems like at least every other day for the last month or so has brought us a couple inches of snow. Ugh! It is pretty, but I'm tired of the cold and the slush.

Today was busy. I finally got my stamping blog up and running with projects posted and everything. There is a link to the right of this post. I haven't figured out how to make a picture itself a link, but one day I'll get it! I'll probably have a party here at my house the Saturday after next with prizes and a cute make-and-take. I'll figure that all out in the next couple of days or so.

Here is a cute picture of DD#1. She had an obsession with my skirts last week. She would wear them up around her chest with a belt around the top. It was pretty cute. She was mad at me in this picture. I don't remember why. She had curled her whole body up into the skirt and it looked so funny that I just had to get a picture.


Anonymous said...

She is too cute!! Your girls love to dress up more than any other girls I know. Maybe they will grow up to work in fashion. I need an invite to your party, maybe by then I will have no sick kids!!
