I’m the Tamamamma

Friday, February 1, 2008


My favorite show right now is the Office, but those darn writer's strikes have put that off for a while. Thank goodness for my second favorite show, LOST. I really enjoy the suspense and twists in the story. We only hope that it ends in some really cool way so that we don't say "Are you KIDDING me?" after the final episode. If you watch, you'll understand what I'm saying.

Not to mention the eye candy on the show. Let me show you some examples. First, my favorite, Sawyer. A dirty, long-haired, bad boy. But, when he smiles with those dimples, so cute!And then there's Jack. Pretty cute, right?Last night I had a dream that I was on the Bachelor. The guy said he loved me and tried to kiss me. I said I didn't feel the same way. Out of all the guys on LOST, why did my subconcious pick Hurley?

DISCLAIMER: None of the men in this post are anywhere near as cute or as charming as my sweet husband!


Cassie Gardner said...

That is hilarious about your dream and Hurley! I feel the same way about the show and not wanting to go "WHat?!! You gotta be kidding!" Sometimes we already feel that way but we are excited for it to start again.

Kari said...

oh my gosh! I am cracking up! I don't watch the show...my mom told me she watched a soap for yeeeears, and when it ended it zoomed out of the building, and then you could see it snowing, and then it kept zooming back until it was a kid holding a snowglobe and all the stories were like things the kid had made up or something?! She was ticked!

Unknown said...

That is too bad that Hurley is the one who showed up! I also am a huge Lost fan and it makes me crazy!! As soon as they answer one question they add 12 more questions! It is sooooo frustrating. But of course I keep watching just in case they answer one of the 12 questions that are hanging out there.
