I’m the Tamamamma

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quite an eventful week or so!

Our last fun summertime outing was up to Classic Skating. The kids had a ball playing on the inflatables and the Jungle playset. We got some nachos too (who can go to a skating rink without buying some nachos?). I loved it because I was able to read while they played : )

Unfortunately, they brought home more that memories. DS and DD2 both woke up with a sore throat and flu-like symptoms. They didn't eat and just laid around all day. I could tell they really felt awful. It lasted about two days, so not too terrible, and at least it didn't spread throughout the family! Poor DS missed the first day of school, though.

Right after that, I left to go to my brother's wedding in Liberty, MO. It was short but so much fun! My brother and his fiancee picked me up at the airport and we went out for lunch at an Irish pub. We each odered something and shared. My brother's "bangers and mash" were my favorite. Sausage, mashed potatoes, onion gravy, and creamed peas. Mmmm....I'll have to try making it sometime.

We met up with all of the parents and kids after that and went for a big family meal at Golden Corral. Then back to my brother's house to work on things that needed to be done for the big day!

Here we are after the ceremony and reception:
I had so much fun getting to know my new family members : ). Three new nephews and a niece! I can't wait to see them again in October when we go on our big extended family vacation.

That evening, I went out for a delicious meal at Carraba's with my stepmom, mom, and dad(that's the order that they are in this picture, from left to right)
My stepmom and dad headed home and my mom and I went back to the hotel and watched "Last Chance Harvey" on her laptop. Cute chick flick!
I got back home on Sunday and things were pretty quiet again until today. DD1's birthday and DD2's first day of kindergarten. Fun stuff!

DD1 had a very grown-up wish list this year. She wanted make-up, so we got her this cute little box with lip-gloss, shimmer gel, a brush, and little fingernail polishes in it:
She also wanted a mirror, and I found this one at Ikea. It looks soooo cute in her room! And it came with a matching hand mirror, too.
She got bath salts, beads, and confetti:
And she loved modeling her "fancy dress" for us : )
She also got some stuffed animals and she has an off-brand imitation Nano on the way. She's a lucky girl! We had birthday cake with friends this afternoon and then sang to her after dinner. The flower on the cake was a "magic candle". We lit it, it did a roman candle kind of thing for a bit, then the petals opened up and it turned and played "Happy Birthday"!

Now, on to DD2's day. The first day of kindergarten! She was very excited to get going in the morning. Here she is all dressed up in her uniform:
Our first stop was the doctor's office for her 5 year exam and vaccinations. She was very nervous about the shots--she had been talking about them all week. At one point, the nurse poked her finger to check her iron levels. DD didn't like it, but she did ok. When it was over, DD was clapping her hands and saying "Yay! My shots are over and it wasn't even that bad". When I told her that the shots were still coming, she FREAKED out! Screaming, crying, the whole nine yards. Luckily, we survived, but she had sore legs because she had been so tense when they were giving her the shots. Poor thing!

After the doctor's, we went on a mommy/daughter date to the Asian buffet. Her favorite part is the ice cream at the end.
On the way back from lunch she said to me "Mom....those doctors were sure nice to me." I said "Yes, they sure were." She said "I'm sorry I was mean to them". Awwwww.......so cute! I told her that I'm sure they understood that she was just very scared.

Then it was time to take her over to the school. The teacher was showing them how to line up before class each day. I love this picture because sweet DD is so intent on listening to her teacher and doing what she wanted. I hope her year is full of happiness and friends and new adventures!


Anonymous said...

What a fast and full weekend with you family!!! Yea for your brother getting married!

I love that mirror from Ikea. I have a growing list of things I want from there :)