Cost before discounts: $94.65 (Sheesh!)
Manufacturer's coupons (from the paper): $23.05
InStore discounts/sales (automatic with store card): $30.27 They were running a sale where for every 10 participating items you bought, they gave a $5 discount--that helped a lot.
Savings: 57%--$53.32
I hid most of this stuff from the kids, because if they can see it all, it seems to disappear faster : )
After buying all of that stuff, I headed over to WalGreens to buy hair color. They were offering the $7 box for $6 and they had an instore coupon for $3 off. I paired that with the manufacturer's coupon for $2 off. That made them each $2. Yay!
Okay, so enough of the boring shopping news. My super cool friend Christina gave me a bloggy award:
1. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2. Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog.
3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself.
Here we go with my "honesty" session:
1. I think I'm pretty lazy. I really enjoy sleep and I don't enjoy cleaning. I think my house is clean and basically looks ok, but there's almost always some clutter around.
2. I'd love to drop 10 pounds. I don't mind changing some eating habits to get there, but on the other hand, I don't want to be on a perpetual diet to achieve it either.
3. I love it when my kitty curls up next to me at night.
4. I think my kids are the cutest, most wonderful little people in the world. I could just stare at their faces all day long.
5. In high school my favorite bands were The Cure, Depeche Mode, and Information Society. In college, it was The Smiths/Morrissey
6. My husband totally cracks me up. I think it's one of his best qualities (among many).
7. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I feel guilty that I got a degree in Elementary Education and then realized that it didn't make me happy. Sometimes I think if I tried it again I might feel differently because it's been 9 years since I taught, but I don't know. I just don't know what my "thing" is, and the things I'd like to try would keep me away from my kids too much and I don't want that either. Oh, the confusion!
8. When I was really little, I wanted to marry a dog.
9. I would never trade back, but sometimes I miss the social life of college
10. I was always a one best friend type person---I think I was "cut out" for marriage in that way. I still miss my high school best friend (Debbie) and wish I could see her/talk to her more often.
And here are 7 blogs I love (it's ok if you don't want to play, I love you all anyway!)
1. Kellie @ Camp Run-a-Muk
2. Hollie @ The Traylor Park Blog
3. Kari @ Come What May and Love It
4. Hair Today (she just quit blogging, but if you've got girls there is a wealth of hair ideas here)
5. Tara @ Three Little Babelets
6. Sarah @ The Mundy Family
7. Karley @ The Simmons Family
Whenever I see that these people have posted, it makes me happy because I love to read what they've got to say. Thanks for entertaining me!
Thanks for playing!! I like to learn new stuff about my friends. :)
I have been debating if I want to get into couponing. Kind of my way of helping out with money stuff. Do you recommend it? Is it worth all the work? Big score on the food!!
I totally did couponing for a long time and I loved it!!! I would compete with my friend with who saved the most. It was fun. It was like you got this weird high every time you saved more than 50%. I miss it...but it IS a lot of work.
Okay, I am going to try to play, if I can get of FB long enough.
I pay $5 a month and do She is local and she compares 5 big grocery store adds each week to Costco and Walmart and tells you when stuff is the cheapest and how much to buy. She does a lot of food storage info and meal planning too. I love it. Check it out.
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