I’m the Tamamamma

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Prodigal Kitty Returns

Our new kitty, Mosey, was finally adjusting to our home. He was letting the kids pet him, sneaking some sniffs of Smuckers (the dog, not the peanut butter), and was even staying out and about when our house was crazy with extra kids. Then I had to throw a wrench in the whole thing.

I went to Albertson's last Saturday to hit their GM sale and get extra boxtops for the kids' school. When I came out I saw a dog wandering the parking lot. It's not a great place for a dog to be wandering because it's right on Main Street and there is a lot of traffic. So I called the dog over and she came right to me. She was a German Shepard/Huskie mix named Molly. She was the sweetest thing. I figured the best thing to do would be to take her home to my backyard until I could reach her owner. She slept on the floor of the van all the way home.

Mosey is an indoor cat, so I figured that if Molly stayed outside and Mosey stayed inside, all would be well. But, for some insane reason, Mosey decided to sneak out for a little fresh air and then wouldn't return because the dog was there. I don't know how Mosey got past Molly in the first place (to get outside). Go figure. I was really upset about the whole thing. Here I am trying to help one animal in need, and I lose another! Molly is waiting for her owners at the animal shelter now. If anyone is looking for a really awesome dog, you should check her out (although I'm pretty confident that her owners will come looking--they must have been gone on vacation or something). She was super sweet and obedient.

So on Friday I was watching some morning news show and they were talking about Utah animal shelters and I decided to do some more searching for Mr. Whiskers an Mosey. I had already scoped out our own shelter two times, so I searched online photos of some other shelters. I found a picture that looked just like Mr. Whiskers and all of the stats matched, so off we went to take a look. With kids in tow, we made the drive, only to find that it wasn't him. But who could resist looking at the kitties? I really enjoy having a cat around the house because they are just so entertaining. We checked out four different kitties in the "get aquainted room" and found a great one. "Yoda" was only about three months old. He loves the kids and has been around dogs. He was so cute and playful. I have an adoption appointment for Tuesday. The kids are so excited.

So, guess who shows up at our back door last night? Mosey!

We were all so excited to see him alive and well after worrying about him for an entire week! He got lots of loves and hugs. He's a great kitty. But, as you can imagine, the kids have been asking, and asking, and asking "but what about Yoda? We love Yoda too!".

Can you believe the luck? The very day that I get my children all excited about a new kitty, our Mosey shows up! I'm really wrestling with this dilemma! Right now I'm thinking we're going to have two kitties! (and a dog, and fish : P Sheesh!)


Anonymous said...

You are turning into quite your own little animal shelter :) While I am truely enjoying the pet free life!!! Glad the cat is back and maybe you will all adjust to the new cat. I like the name Yoday by the way!!

WillandTara said...

You are so lucky your husband puts up with that. Will does not tolerate extra mouths to feed without a ton of negotiating. I am glad the coyotes didn't get your cat, have you been hearing them at night? It is king of errie for cat owners.