I’m the Tamamamma

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Building Bears

All of my kids' birthdays happen within about 6 weeks. It can be a little nuts. I told the kidlets that they could either have a little party with friends or we could go to build a bear. They chose build a bear--I was glad. A little more costly, but soooo much easier! Here are some pics from the big day.

The hardest part was picking which animal they liked the best. They were all very thoughtful about their decisions. We ended up making a turtle (really cute, his "shell" is a backpack), a bunny, and an elephant.
Here is "Cuddly" the elephant being stuffed:
And now it is "Fluffles" turn:
And then came the funnest part of all, in my opinion. Picking out clothes!
We all had a good time and hopefully it was a memorable event for the kiddos. I won't be able to get away with doing things like this with all three of them for much longer. I'm sure my little boy will be way too mature for something like this by next year : )


WillandTara said...

Love it! I am soooo taking Cora there for her Birthday and forgetting the party this year. Thanks for the great idea!

PS...I am not babysitting anymore..our girls need to play.

Misty Anderson said...

How fun! your kids are getting so big and are just adorable. Trevin goes to Miss Nicole too.

Anonymous said...

I like the turtle! I have never seen him before. That looks much easier than throwing 3 different parties!!