I’m the Tamamamma

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring(?) Break

It's been fun playing with the kids this week during their break from school. This is good practice for summertime, which is only 6 weeks away! We've had a lot of snow and cold weather this week so we've found fun indoor things to do. On Tuesday we went to the Lehi Legacy swimming pool. The kids loved it. DD2 was a little wary of all of the spray features when we first got there, but she was totally enjoying herself by the end. For those of you not from Utah, here are some pictures of the fun kids' section. Every time the bucket dumps, a bell rings first. DD2 would scream and run to the side of the pool at the beginning, then she decided it wasn't so scary after all.Tuesday night I got a special treat. DH's sister Carrie had an extra ticket to Wicked and she let me use it! It was so fantastic. I totally loved it. Carrie is the best! I think it's my new favorite musical--after Les Miserables.

On Wednesday Kari, Danette, and I (with kids in tow) went to Kangaroo Zoo and the kids played on all kinds of inflatable big toys. They had a ball. We even ended up running into some people from our old neighborhood as well as some from our own. I guess everyone had the same idea!

I decided a couple of days ago that the kids really needed a swingset. We live near a playground but it doesn't have swings, and that is one of DD1's favorite things to do. Besides, it's great to have them right where I can keep an eye on them. After hours of scouring the internet, I finally found the perfect one for us. I wanted it to be small with a swing for DD1 and a glider for DD2. The little single-jumper trampoline is an awsome bonus. Who would've thought KMart would come through for me?My dad sent me an e-mail today with a segment from Britain's Got Talent that really impressed me. I like to think I've learned the lesson to not judge someone until I get to know them, but sometime's we forget. This was a good reminder. Also one of my favorite songs ever. I've been humming it all day.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Something to Show and Not Much to Tell

I haven't posted in quite a while! Things are good with us. We are dying for the spring weather to arrive. I have plants sitting in my kitchen waiting for the weather to warm up.

I've started a new blog called "Tried and Tasty Recipes" (link is to the left). Anyone who wants to can contribute to the blog--the more the merrier. If you'd like to contribute, just let me know and I'll send you an invite so that you can post. The goal of the blog is to create a collection of recipes that are easy (for the most part) and GOOD! We're all tired of making the same things every week and trying things that may not turn out well. This blog should take some of the guesswork out of it : ). Besides, I love learning from other people's ideas.

My little project today was for my neice Tiffany who is expecting a baby. I'll be seeing her in June and she won't know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet, so I wanted to make her a gender-neutral baby gift. Kari has made some super cute baby blankets for her twins and I wanted to try doing one myself. I found a good tutorial for this style of blanket here. They're so easy and so cute! I used the extra material to make a matching burp rag and binkie holder. We have some more babies coming to the family, so I'm sure I'll be making more of these. Picking fabric is just so fun!