On Wednesday Kari, Danette, and I (with kids in tow) went to Kangaroo Zoo and the kids played on all kinds of inflatable big toys. They had a ball. We even ended up running into some people from our old neighborhood as well as some from our own. I guess everyone had the same idea!
I decided a couple of days ago that the kids really needed a swingset. We live near a playground but it doesn't have swings, and that is one of DD1's favorite things to do. Besides, it's great to have them right where I can keep an eye on them. After hours of scouring the internet, I finally found the perfect one for us. I wanted it to be small with a swing for DD1 and a glider for DD2. The little single-jumper trampoline is an awsome bonus. Who would've thought KMart would come through for me?My dad sent me an e-mail today with a segment from Britain's Got Talent that really impressed me. I like to think I've learned the lesson to not judge someone until I get to know them, but sometime's we forget. This was a good reminder. Also one of my favorite songs ever. I've been humming it all day.